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What is Fast-Acting Cannabis?

It’s time for the cannabis industry to take advantage of a technique pharmaceutical companies have been using for decades: nano-emulsification. Nano-emulsification is a process that breaks liquid particles into minute droplets on a nanoscale to create an ultra stable liquid that spreads out perfectly even, which in turn vastly increases the bioavailability of the substance (or drug).

Sound complicated? It kind of is. But what’s important to you is that Forge Canna’s terpene-enhanced cannabis extract undergoes this nano-emulsification, which increases the quantity and speed at which cannabinoids enter your system.

So instead of waiting an hour for an edible to hit you, our tablets’ effects are as quick as smoking marijuana without any harmful impact to your lungs.

Forge Canna partners with Teeny Tiny Science for our nano-emulsification. They break the THC molecules apart for us and put them inside water compatible emulsions. So absorption and onset happen faster in your body, plus effects are more consistent.

Remember, almost all the cells in your body have cannabinoid receptors. But most cannabis products, when ingested, won’t bind with those receptors until they reach your liver. Our nanotech formulations help the bio-active molecules in cannabis bind to cannabinoid receptors the moment you swallow a Forge Canna tablet.

Think Minutes Rather Than Hours for Effects to Hit